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Image by Christian Lue


This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101029232  


Welcome to the Adam James Fenton MSCA Fellow blog. This is where I publish progress updates for my research project: ‘STRAITSECURITY: Hybrid threats to Indonesia’s Maritime Security: an assessment of cyber and cyber-physical vulnerabilities in the world’s busiest shipping lanes’.


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The global maritime transportation system, which carries over 90% of world trade, is increasingly reliant on interconnected information technology (IT), operational technology (OT), satellite communications and internet of things (IoT) devices. This pervasive digitalization has opened up the sector to potential catastrophic disruption from cyber and cyber-physical attacks. At the same time, the rapid development of technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and autonomous vessels is outpacing governance frameworks to manage the security implications. These cyber vulnerabilities, coupled with ongoing physical threats like piracy and terrorism, create hybrid risk scenarios that could cripple major shipping chokepoints and supply chains.

This EU-funded research project aims to examine the emerging risks, the laws and regulations that apply, and make policy recommendations to improve security and resilience in this vital area. 

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Mar 2024

Attending World Police Summit Dubai

It's been an exciting week in Dubai attending the World Police Summit with colleagues from Coventry University. It was a jam-packed three-day schedule of presentations, panel discussions and industry stands showcasing the latest tech in law enforcement and crime detection. As you would expect, AI, drones and cybersecurity were strong themes. Many thanks to Dubai Police for organising the event and inviting us to attend. hashtag#worldpolicesummit2024 Centre for Trust, Peace & Social Relations (CTPSR)

Jan 2024

Launch Special Report "Rethinking Sovereignty and Security at the Maritime Frontier"

As current world events underscore the importance of the maritime domain to global supply chains, I'm proud to launch this report from CTPSR's Maritime Security Programme examining sovereignty and security at sea in diverse regions of the world; from Asia to Africa to Europe. Essential reading for anyone seeking to understand the crucial maritime element of global security threats from both state and non-state actors. The report combines analysis on key contemporary marsec challenges such as securing undersea pipelines, maritime cybersecurity, illegal fishing, piracy and irregular migration.

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Nov 2023

Highlighting Maritime Cybersecurity at Coventry University Scarborough Campus

Many thanks to Camilla Stevenson and the Cybersecurity team for facilitating our visit and roundtable discussions on maritime cybersecurity with local industry and computer science students at CU Scarborough. With its scenic coastal location in North Yorkshire, many local businesses are linked to the blue economy making Scarborough the perfect location for further discussions and projects around the intersection of maritime security and cybersecurity. Centre for Trust, Peace & Social Relations (CTPSR) Coventry University Ioannis Chapsos James A. Malcolm Eamonn Byrne

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Marie Curie Fellow

Adam J. Fenton is an Assistant Professor at the Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations (CTPSR), Coventry University, UK. He previously lived in Indonesia for over two decades working as a teacher, journalist and lecturer. His PhD research focussed on Indonesia’s legislative and law enforcement responses to terrorism. He previously worked in border security operations as a Fisheries Officer with the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA). He is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellow and his research interests include counter-terrorism, constitutional law, freedom of religion, maritime security, cybersecurity, law and policy of emerging technology, such as Artificial Intelligence and autonomous vehicles.

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Dec 2023

Maritime cybersecurity training session with Indonesian National Police at Coventry University

It was an honour and a pleasure to deliver a session on maritime cybersecurity to a delegation from the Indonesian National Police (POLRI) at Coventry University's Centre for Trust, Peace & Social Relations (CTPSR) yesterday. It was a lively discussion around the main threats to security in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore (the "SOMS") covering everything from cybercrime, terrorism, piracy, and transnational organised crime, to the enforcement responses from various stakeholder agencies in Indonesia, and regional cooperation mechanisms.
#IndonesianNationalPolice #maritimesecurity #cybersecurity

Nov 2023

Attending Cyber-SHIP Symposium at IMO London

Good to be attending the Cyber-SHIP Lab Symposium at IMO London. Interesting panel discussions and presentations on maritime cybersecurity and cyber vulnerabilities of autonomous vessels.

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Oct 2023

Catching up with colleagues from LSPR Jakarta, Indonesia

Great to catch up with colleagues from LSPR Communication and Business Institute Jakarta, Indonesia, during their visit to Coventry. We were fortunate to take a tour of the brand new Delia Derbyshire building, the home of Coventry University's School of Media and Performing Arts and see the state-of-the-art media production facilities for film, TV, photography, video effects, motion capture, sound, and more. It's amazing to see the facilities available for the next generation of media and communication professionals! Thanks to Professor Annabelle Waller, Dr Ben Harbisher, and team for the tour. LSPR Communication and Business Institute Coventry University Centre for Trust, Peace & Social Relations (CTPSR)

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Sep 2023

Launch CTPSR Maritime Security Newletter

We're excited to announce that #CTPSR has launched a #MaritimeSecurity newsletter! Each issue features news and briefing reports written for the newsletter, and the first issue includes a piece on 'Autonomy at Sea' by Dr. Adam James Fenton. If you missed the new issue you can read it online: Be sure to sign up today to receive the newsletter!

Aug 2023

Expert Media Comment: iNews UK

Will Ukraine become a supplier of uncrewed naval technology to the world? The war has provided the impetus to develop uncrewed drone boats that are battle-tested and capable of causing considerable damage to a much larger enemy. Is this the future of naval warfare?

I provided expert comment for this article in iNews: 

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Jul 2023

Media Comment iNews

The Kerch Bridge explosion was likely caused by Uncrewed Surface Vessels (USVs), an area I've been busy researching here at Coventry University as part of an EU-funded Marie Curie fellowship. Happy to have been quoted in this article by Cahal Milmo in iNews examining how these AI-equipped 'sea drones' are changing the face of naval warfare.

#autonomousvehicles #ai #navy #warfare #ukrainewar

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Jun 2023
Thorbecke Conference, Assen Netherlands -- Intelligence and Counter-intelligence

It was a very enjoyable and interesting few days in the beautiful city of Assen, Netherlands for the Thorbecke Academie (NHL Stenden University) conference on "Intelligence and Counter-intelligence". Memorable presentations on maritime cybersecurity from Professor Stephen McCombie, Jan Martin Muntendam and Rob Loves; also the plenary session chaired by Allon J. Uhlmann and a packed program discussing foreign interference and covert actions. The challenges and opportunities presented by AI were a frequent topic of discussion with attendees from the Dutch government, Coast Guard, Cyber police, industry, and academia. Coinciding with the the famous "TT Motor Racing" festival, the streets of Assen were buzzing with a party atmosphere.
We look forward to further strengthening the international collaboration between Coventry University Centre for Trust, Peace & Social Relations (CTPSR) and NHL Stenden Professorship Maritime IT Security.

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May 2023

Article published in Frontiers in Computer Science: "Ships Without Crews: IMO and UK approaches to regulating autonomous ships"

As Artificial Intelligence (AI) is hitting the headlines for its current, and potential, impacts on society, important questions are being raised about how to regulate this tech before it gets out of control. This article, just published in a special issue of Frontiers in Computer Science and co-authored with my CTPSR colleague Ioannis Chapsos, examines how AI technology is being applied to shipping, and how two prominent organizations -- one international (the International Maritime Organization) the other national (Maritime and Coastguard Agency UK) -- are proactively engaging with the titanic task of paving the regulatory pathway for the arrival of "Ships without crews".

Mar 2023
Article published in The Conversation "Ukraine: how uncrewed boats are changing the way wars are fought at sea"

Glad to have an article just published in The Conversation UK about autonomous, uncrewed "robot" warships.

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Feb 2023

Fieldwork in Indonesia

It was a busy few weeks in Jakarta, Indonesia for fieldwork but I was able to meet a fantastic cross-section of stakeholders working in maritime security and cybersecurity including the Indonesian National Police, Navy, Coast Guard, Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, as well as observers, authors and academics. Just a few are pictured here. Special thanks goes to Coventry University and Centre for Trust, Peace & Social Relations (CTPSR)'s Indonesia representative Ibu Yanti Amran for her tireless help and support without which none of it would have been possible. 🙏 🙏 🙏
Now comes the job of processing all the primary data from interviews into outputs. Stay tuned for more...

#cybersecurity #indonesia #maritime #msca #mariecuriefellowship


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Dec 2022
Written evidence submitted to UK Parliament

I am delighted that written evidence provided by Ioannis Chapsos, Robert McCabe, James Malcolm and myself on subsea infrastructure and autonomous vessels has been published by the UK Foreign Affairs Select Committee. The Committee is exploring possible updates to the UK's Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy. Read our evidence and more at the below link.

Nov 2022
Call for Abstracts: Rethinking Sovereignty Conference

Do you have thoughts on how cyber is redefining international relations. Particularly seeking submissions that address cyber/sovereignty nexus.
Call for Abstracts! Submit your paper for a ground-breaking conference "Rethinking Sovereignty at the Radical Frontier: Pirates, Proxies and Post-state Philosophies" at the Centre for Trust, Peace & Social Relations (CTPSR) Nothing is off the table in this festival of dangerous ideas as we attempt "a deep reappraisal of Westphalian foundations of global order". Funding for transport and accommodation is available! But it is limited so submit your abstract ASAP via the link below. Delighted to be co-organising this with CTPSR colleagues, Jan Pospisil and Ali Jones. With Professor Mary Kaldor as keynote speaker.

#conference #worldpeace #sovereignty #cybersecurity

Conference dates: 30-31 March 2023
Deadline for abstracts: 25 January 2023

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Oct 2022

"Robot Boats" article in NATO journal

Autonomous and uncrewed vessels are taking an increasingly important role in scientific, commercial and military maritime operations. See my latest article co-authored with Ioannis Chapsos on page 12 of the current issue of the NATO Maritime Interdiction Operational Training Centre - NMIOTC (Official page) Journal titled "ROBOT BOATS: Use of Autonomous ‘Ships’ in Law Enforcement, Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism."
Centre for Trust, Peace & Social Relations (CTPSR)
#mscactions #msca #maritime #lawenforcement #military


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Nov 2022

Chairing Session on Extremism in Southeast Asia with Prof. Kumar Ramakrishna

It was a pleasure yesterday to chair this session with Professor Kumar Ramakrishna live from Singapore at Centre for Trust, Peace & Social Relations (CTPSR). Prof. Ramakrishna's most recent book Extremist Islam: Recognition and Response in Southeast Asia examines the extremist strains of 'salafabism' Wahhabized Salafism that have penetrated deep into the thinking of some radicalised and potentially dangerous groups and individuals across the SEA countries of Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and the Philippines. Essential reading for anyone wanting to understand religious extremism in the region -- and recommendations for policy responses and counter-narratives to oppose it. #extremism #singapore #indonesia #southeastasia

Oct 2022

Hosting Maritime Cybersecurity researchers at Coventry and attending Cyber-SHIP symposium 2022

I was very happy and honored to chair a session on Tuesday 25th October at Centre for Trust, Peace & Social Relations (CTPSR) with Professor Stephen McCombie and Jeroen Pijpker from NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands, on Maritime Cyber Security Threat Research. Stephen and Jeroen are doing cutting-edge research in developing a maritime cyber incident database, and a maritime honeynet to examine cyber threats against shipping. With my colleague Ioannis Chapsos, we were happy to host them in Coventry for the day with time for a quick tour of the city centre and Coventry Cathedral.

Then on Wednesday 26th October I attended the Cyber-SHIP Lab at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Headquarters in London hosted by University of Plymouth where researchers from around the UK and the world presented their recent research in the burgeoning field of maritime cyber security.

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Sep 2022

Article in C4ISRNET

"Self-driving" autonomous ships are a reality and present a number of legal, ethical, and terminological challenges. Read more in this opinion piece co-authored with my CTPSR colleague Ioannis Chapsos.


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Jul 2022

Visit to NHL Stenden University Netherlands and state-of-the-art Maritime Bridge Simulator at Willem Barentsz Institute

Thanks to Stephen McCombie, Jan Martin Muntendam and all their colleagues at NHL Stenden for showing me the Leeuwarden and Terschelling campuses. Also for the opportunity to present two lectures to their maritime cadets on autonomous vessels. The jewel in the crown has to be the impressive 360° bridge simulator (and several other simulators) at the Maritiem Instituut Willem Barentsz, which create the potential for ground-breaking research into maritime cybersecurity. 

Jun 2022

Presenting at NATO Conference in Crete

Delighted to have represented Coventry University Centre for Trust, Peace & Social Relations (CTPSR) at the recent NATO Maritime Interdiction Operational Training Centre - NMIOTC (Official page) 13th Annual Conference in beautiful Crete, Greece where I presented on "Robot Boats: the use of autonomous ships in law enforcement, terrorism and counter-terrorism". The presentation generated interesting discussion and questions, and I'm glad to say that I made many new friends from many NATO countries in both the military and civilian sectors. I look forward to staying in touch and seeing you next year! Special thanks to Commodore Charalampos Thymis Commandant of NMIOTC, and all staff, for the outstanding hospitality shown to us during our stay on your beautiful island!

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Feb 2022

The big move to Coventry and the beginning of the MSCA journey

Really happy and proud to share that my family and I have now made the big move from Jakarta, Indonesia to Coventry, UK where I've taken up a position as Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research Fellow at the Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations. My project to research cybersecurity law and policy received funding from the EU's Horizon 2020 research fund. I'll be posting updates from time to time here and on other social media, including, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Stay tuned for more, and wish us luck! #straitsecurity #cybersecurity #coventryuniversity #research #msca

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